phmef annual phone-a-thon

Answer the call for phm students!

Every year Penn High School student volunteers make over 1000 calls to community members to ask for participation in the annual P-H-M Education Foundation (PHMEF) Phone-a-thon.

annual spring campaign

The PHMEF Phone-a-thon provides critical funds that support innovative academic enrichment and advancement programs for all students in P-H-M Schools. Your investment makes an impact.

When our student volunteers call, please answer and make a gift. Help fund innovative and inspirational classroom, before, after and summer school programs, and projects that help all students in our 15 P-H-M schools.

Please Answer the Call for PHM’s students!

The P-H-M Education Foundation has invested over $1.2 Million in programs at P-H-M Schools since its inception in 1996

grants distributed

490 +

students impacted

10,000 +

classroom grants


corporate wide programs